Interested in becoming a member?


If you are an energy marketer, it pays for you to join ESEA. You'll join hundreds of industry colleagues who share your concerns and who are working to create a more prosperous environment for independent petroleum marketers. ESEA is a member of the Energy Marketers of America (EMA), a national federation representing marketers in 47 states, so your membership expands your network capabilities and your ability to shape industry events. ESEA includes the Upstate New York Energy Association (UNYEA) and the Hudson Valley Oil & Energy Council (HVOEC).

Membership in ESEA affords you a strong voice in state and federal government affairs. We identify and assess new legislation that may impact your business and work vigorously to help shape governmental policy and outcomes. We introduce key legislation to help marketers better compete and maintain profitability and the viability of their marketplace as a whole, including compliance, taxation,transportation and other important issues.

ESEA membership benefits include:

Membership Applications

The Empire State Energy Association offers three levels of membership:

Regular Membership (Dealers / Marketers)
Regular Membership in the Empire State Energy Association is available to any individual, firm, partnership or corporation actively engaged in marketing petroleum products and the wholesale distribution of motor fuels and/or retail distribution of heating fuels.
Click here to apply for Regular Membership in the Empire State Energy Association.
Associate Membership (Vendors)
Associate Membership in the Empire State Energy Association is available to any individual, firm, partnership or corporation actively engaged in distributing, marketing or manufacturing associated or allied products of the petroleum industry.
Click here to apply for Associate Membership in the Empire State Energy Association.
Associate Membership "B" (Suppliers / Wholesalers)
Associate Membership "B," otherwise designated as "Sponsor Supplier or Wholesale Distributor," is a producer-refiner and/or wholesale distributor of petroleum products, and any other classification that the Board of Directors may make with respect to this category of membership.
Click here to apply for Associate Membership "B" in the Empire State Energy Association.

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