Energy Assistance

Upgrade & Save Rebate Programs

Studies show that heating system upgrades can reduce your annual energy expenses by 30-40 percent and pay for themselves in just a few short years through these savings. Now, you can make that payback come even quicker and start saving immediately with the Upgrade & Save –Energy Efficiency and Safety Rebate Program, which is offered in both Hudson Valley and Upstate New York. Continue reading for more information on these programs.

Upgrade & Save – Hudson Valley Energy Efficiency and Safety Rebate Program

If you’re in the Hudson Valley area, the following rebates are available to you through a participating local heating fuel dealer:

  • $900 for an boiler or furnace
  • $500 for an aboveground fuel storage tank
  • An additional $600 federal tax credit on qualifying equipment*
  • Up to $2,000 in rebates*
  • Limit 2 rebates per household

Learn more about this rebate program, or log in as a dealer and manage your rebates, by visiting the Upgrade & Save Hudson Valley website.

Upgrade & Save – Upstate New York Rebate Program

If you’re in the Upstate New York area, the following rebates are available to you through a participating local heating fuel dealer:

  • $900 for an boiler or furnace
  • $500 for an aboveground fuel storage tank
  • An additional $600 federal tax credit on qualifying equipment*
  • Up to $2,000 in rebates*
  • Limit 2 rebates per household

Learn more about this rebate program, or log in as a dealer and manage your rebates, by visiting the Upgrade & Save Upstate New York website.

State & Federal Assistance

New York State offers a number of ways for families to make ends meet in the face of higher energy prices.

liheap.jpgLow-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, (LIHEAP): This federally funded program helps qualified persons pay their heating bills during times when they need assistance. Need is determined by your income and other factors. Emergency assistance is also available.

There are three major components to this energy assistance program:

  • Regular Benefits: Financial assistance can be as high as $675 plus applicable add-ons, based on eligibility.
  • Emergency Benefits: Based upon the type of emergency, the benefit can be as high as $675.
  • Furnace Repair and Replacement: These costs, paid in full or in part, are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Funds are limited, so it is strongly recommended that you apply early. Applications are accepted at all local departments of Social Services. To find out where you can obtain and file an application in New York, call 1-800-342-3009 or visit

New York Energy $mart™ Loan Program: Residential borrowers (1-4 family homes) can qualify for reduced interest rates on loans up to $25,000 used to finance certain energy-efficient improvements to their homes, which have been pre-qualified by NYSERDA, or to purchase ENERGY STAR®-rated appliances. Funding is available on a first-come, first-serve basis, or until funds are fully committed. For more information call toll-free 1-866-NYSERDA.

WAP, the Weatherization Assistance Program: The Weatherization Assistance Program, the largest residential energy conservation program in the country, assists income-eligible families and individuals by reducing their heating/cooling costs and improving the safety of their homes through energy efficiency measures. Both single-family and multi-family buildings are assisted. Household energy use reductions and resultant energy cost savings are significant, with an average savings in excess of 20 percent.

The maximum amount of assistance is limited to $4,500 per unit. Households with incomes at or below 60 percent of state median income are eligible for assistance. Program services are available to both homeowners and renters, with priority given to senior citizens, families with children and persons with disabilities. Individual households apply by contacting the provider that serves their area.

citizensEnergy.jpgThe Citizens Energy Program: The Citizens Energy Program announces its program terms and benefits each year before the start of heating season. Please visit their Citizens Energy website for further information.

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