
Compilation Report on Biodiesel Blends in Home Heating Released

- 4:59 pm - January 9th, 2019

bioheat-delivery_x260w.jpgB20 to B100 Blends as Heating Fuels is the title of the newly released report from Brookhaven National Laboratory. The report has been compiled by Dr. Thomas A. Butcher and Rebecca Trojanowski at the Sustainable Energy Technologies Department/Energy Conversion Group of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY.

Released at the end of 2018, the document gathers in one place, numerous research projects looking at how biodiesel (ASTM 6751) performs, at various blend levels, when combined with petroleum heating oil for space heating applications. 

The specific technical aspects evaluated over these projects include:

  • Compatibility of conventional fuel pump shaft seals with higher blend levels
  • Evaluation of pumps under field operating conditions
  • Impact of exposure of "yellow metals" at low and high temperature on biodiesel blends
  • Combustion characteristics of biodiesel blends and flame sensor response
  • Documentation of field experience with biodiesel blends including higher blend levels

Biodiesel has been blended into petroleum heating for more than a decade (Bioheat®) and increased blend levels are desirable. The addition of biodiesel in the fuel significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions among other benefits for homeowners, the oilheating industry and the environment.

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